i had a special assignment over the last weekend and
i had so much fun with all my convivial models!
i had so much fun with all my convivial models!
here's some of the sneak preview taken using my mobile phone...
you can try to steal the looks by using the products i used to create the looks!
you can try to steal the looks by using the products i used to create the looks!
shall update my gallery again when i download the pictures from my camera =)
the gorgeous evening bride~
on the face: mac moistcover | mac studio finish | bodyshop mineral pd fdt
on the eye: mac bronze esd | bodyshop mineral esd pd | bodyshop eye-crayon | lancome w-proof mcr
on the cheek: anna sui blusher on the lips: mac viva glam iii
on the face: mac moistcover | bodyshop mineral fdt | kryolan loose pd
on the eye: mac pigment esd powder magenta, orange, lemon | anna sui liquid eyeliner | lancome waterproof mcr
on the cheek: lancome blusher
on the lips: mac satin nude
on the face: mac moistcover | mac studio finish | bodyshop mineral pd fdt | kryolan loose pd
on the eye: mac rose esd | mac pink satin| kryolan liquid eyeliner | lancome waterproof mcr
on the cheek: anna sui blusher on the lips: mac satin plink

the special effect makeover~
made from tools in my magical makeup box and a creative mind...
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